
Color Me In and Introductions


SO excited to embark on a new journey with this podcast! I’m even more excited to dig deeper into everyone’s brain and to hopefully meet more cool people through this medium.

The premise of this podcast is to act as a (platonic ha) coffee date with friends in which we casually talk about 10 (maybe less, maybe more….the rules are SUPER loose here!!) works of art that have inspired them and/or molded them to be the person they are today. I did not have much of a social life (or skills lol) growing up and turned to books and music for comfort. As cheesy as it may sound, these things were my safe-haven. A lot of these authors, musicians, writers, and artists became my best friends (don’t tell me you never cried to Lou Reed in your bedroom!!!). So, art is very sacred to me, and I absolutely would not be who I am without it.

Seeing that I go to a music school (I am a keyboardist, synth enthusiast, composer in training (emphasis on the “in training”), and music production student!) and am active in the OKC metro music scene with my band, Dire Gnome (any D&D fans catch that ref?!), (cough cough wink wink check our Spotify here, Facebook here, and Instagram here !!!), I often meet some KICK ASS people. I sat down one day and realized that I know SO many rad people and wanted to share their radness with the world, and I figured a podcast would be a great medium for that! One of the most grounding notions for me has been removing any facades we and our heroes wear to get to the core of who we and they are. Humility and vulnerability are powerful in reminding us that we are all united in much deeper ways and in more ways than we think, and I think that notion of empathy and connection is extremely important, especially in this political climate. As I mentioned previously, I didn’t have much comfort outside of art and artists, so hearing artists open up was a huge way for me to relate to people outside of what my Oklahoma suburb could offer. So, with all of that being said, I decided to start Color Me In! It’s my hope to create an environment in which we can all be vulnerable and honest with ourselves and each other as we try to piece together what feels like this labyrinth of life, and a lot of the piecing together has come from music, T.V., films, books, etc. At it’s core, this podcast will give you a different and deeper perspective into its guests and foster a love for one of the most beautiful and humane things, art, while also providing a resource in which you can continue to find new and cool art! And also, you should definitely grab a cup of coffee…or tea…beer?… wine…or water…really your choice of beverage….while listening as it’s supposed to be relaxed and pretentious free zone. Which I know, yes, I just created a long sappy post rooted in pathos and there are times there will be talk about obscure and “””””higher art””””” (ugh, I hate that term) and it can be very niche and pretentious to talk about said art, but the aim isn’t to show off knowledge but to share cool art and bond over emotions and events that make us (whimsical) humans.

But I suppose the division within pretentious and not is for the listeners to draw!

I am setting this beast loose soon and cannot wait to hear thoughts and criticisms from y’all about this!

Also, if you know me personally, you know I cannot make any post or send any text without typos, so fair warning to everyone else!!!! Sorry my mind can’t keep up with my hands or mouth even!

As always, thank you for reading and listening. Follow my shenanigans through CMI’s insta here!

Happy podcasting!

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