
Episode 9 – Stephanie Peñate (Me, your host!)

Hey bubgers!

Sorry I went mysteriously MIA on the pod. New job and life changes took precedent. Things should be back to schedule soon. Thank you for the patience. 🙂

This episode, I have me! Your host. Your dude. Your friendly neighborhood plum!! I had my kickass friend Dalton host and we had WAY too much fun. I may have sent them to the corner…as punishment….and they totally didn’t leave for 80% of our recording bahaha. Guess that happens when you get 2 jokesters together who enjoy bullying each other…but hey!! What else are friends for??

We answered some of your questions for the first hour and the second hour is my list, including works from Velvet Underground, Wand, Darto, Suicide…..>:) You’ll have to listen to for the entire list. Hold tight! It’s a long one and fist bump to you if you listen to the entire thing!

And an extra thank you to Dalton for hosting + putting up with my jokes for TWO hours!!!! The truest MVP.

Much love, and as always, thank you for the endless patience and support. It’s much much much much appreciated.

See you next time 🙂


Episode 8 – Tommy McKenzie

Hey again!

An episode with Tommy – guitar player, bass player, and synth lord…I mean player! We quite literally spent an hour talking about our love for Nick Cave, specifically the Bad Seeds. I got a little tooooo excited hahaha. Tommy, thanks again for coming on! You are a light!

Follow Tommy on insta here, in Net here, in Ester Drag here, and with Applied Music Program here! 

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Episode 7 – Scott Booker

I am humbled to say that I got one of THE coolest cats on this episode. Scott is an art lover and an art enthusiast. He is a huge reason why I am able to study and do what I love, and I know many others share this sentiment. Plus, he loves cool art! Not to mention he’s the manager of the Flaming Lips, no biggie. Ha!

Conversations like these are why I started this podcast and what keep me going, artistically and humanely.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

P.S. sorry for the faint hum! I tried editing it out as much as I could.

Keep up with Scott on insta here!

Check out Dreamdecay as my band rec here and keep up with Magic Munchbox’s here. Make sure you listen to their album here. It’s killer!


Episode 6 – Jimmy Jackson

hey everyone! sorry for ANOTHER delay. brain quite LITERALLY melted as soon as I finished finals/the semester ended. guess my body was telling me I needed a break!

I’ve got good ol’ Jimbo on this episode. We talk Swamp Thing, comics, wrestling, Gilmore Girls, and a bunch of other sweet stuff. I learned a lot from him!

Follow Jimmy on insta here, the Lunar Laugh here, and Grant Adams here! Oh, and of course, you HAVE to follow the Doctor here (Dr. Pants, that is).

Check out my recs for Empath here and Wand here!

Side note: since my scheduling is off by a week, there WILL be a (KILLER) episode next week! can’t wait to share it with ya. it’s a GOODIE.

talk to you soon!

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Episode 5 – Jamie L. Clark


I’ve got my good ol’ pal Jamie on for this week’s episode. Jamie’s been with me since my high school days…a trooper for sticking around that long! We talked about comedy, LCD Soundsystem, and laughed way too much at silly things, which is pretty much how our interactions always go.

I totally blanked on asking Jamie for pronouns! Jamie uses he/him. 🙂

Follow Jamie on twitter and insta

You can also listen to The Maples here , follow them on insta here, and like them on FB here! Check out Blade Records here and follow them on insta to keep up with their releases!

You can also keep up with Punch Up the Jam here! 


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Episode 4 – The Young GaysTM with Hunter Blake

Hiii! Back after a break with Hunter! Lovely person and overall a great presence to be around. He’s someone I’ve seen around ACM but never got to really know… the first time I saw him, he was wearing a feather earring on one of his ears (very Stiv Bators, Madonna, George Michael-esque), and I thought, “I HAVE to know who that person is!” And now I am humbled to call him a friend! In his episode, Hunter and I shared some of our experiences as queer folks and he has opened up a world of amazing pop music to me that I can’t wait to dive into! Make sure you catch him at Norman Pride on May 4th! I will be listing his details as I get them. : )

CW: abortion, sexual assault, suicide, pedophilia, and homophobia

Follow Hunter to hear more about his new album on twitter, insta, spotify, and itunes!


Episode 3 – Jamie Fuentes and Delorian Page


Episode 3 is a long one! This week I got to talk to film and comic aficionados, Jamie and Delorian. We talked media analysis in relation to consumer consumption, comics, films, and…..farts?

CW: porn talk, sex mention, homophobia, and we talk about conservative religion re: sexuality. Also! There are quite a few “pops” in this episode (I did my best to try to minimize them), so if you are sensitive to those, be wary! Apologies for my mediocre editing skills :’)

Follow Jamie’s GORGEOUS art work on insta here and his twitter here. And follow Delorian’s insta and twitter!

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Episode 2 – Santiago Ramones

Second episode, ayyeee. I was SUPER excited to have Santiago on the show. He’s a composer, producer, songwriter, performer, and fellow brown friend. And…apparently a fellow friendly weeb! Having two brown kids in one place was POWERFUL. Hahaha. My brain was mush doing this since we did an episode for his podcast Bitdepth! You can get to know me better through my episode on there. Caution: I say UM a lot and speak in circles way too much :’)

Unfortunately, we ran out of time to have him play on the podcast, but you can find all of Santiago’s social and music links on his website here:



Episode 1 – Campbell Young and Jackson “Billy Boy” Fritts

First episode, yay! Lots of bad jokes and shitposting which is to be expected when good ol’ Campbell, Billy Boy (Jackson), and I get together. Campbell breaks the only rule on episode one, how punk!

Follow Campbell in Don’t Tell Dena here 
And in The Lunar Laugh Here
and on his personal here 

Follow Jackson’s project, Chameleon Factory, here
and Druggernaut here